måndag 28 juni 2010

Att presentera ett svin II

Jag letade precis igenom saker som jag skrivit förut och hittade den här presentationen som jag en gång skrev på ett amerikanskt forum och insåg att den är mycket bättre och mer witty än den jag skrev igår. Och därför postar jag en andra presentation.

"I'm the 18-year-old-girl Sara. I'm immortal. More or less. The light of the sun, the sustained heat of an intense fire – these things might destroy me. But then again, they might not. And maybe I'm not really immortal and only copying one of my favorite novel introduction (you get a cookie if you know which one it is).

True is this: My name is Sara, I'm a female and I'm 18 years old. Not 17 or 19, 18. That means that I'm allowed to drink alcohol, but not buy it - unless I'm in a bar or restaurant establishment - nor carry it in public. I'm allowed to drive a car, own a gun, to get married and to be thrown into prison. And oh, I almost forgot. I have reached my age of majority. Hallelujah, sings the choir.

As some of you may have come to understand, I'm not from the US (21 to drink, 16 to drive, thrown into prison as a child) nor from the UK. I'm from Sweden. You know, Sweden. In the north of Europe. Where everyone is blonde and blueyed (except that I'm brown-haired and blueeyed) and is named Inga or Sven. Oh, and right. We like to take a walk outside, in the Alps, who just happens to lay like 1000 miles away from Sweden, in Switzerland."

Efter det pratar jag om min skolgång och så vidare, men det är inte intressant - särskilt inte då den redan är över - så jag censurerade resten.

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